Tanya Rad

Smile always. Believe in yourself. Believe in others.


Tanya RadComment

Raise your hand if you've had people in your life that don't believe in you 🙋🏼.... 

Raise your hand if you've had people tell you you're not talented enough 🙋🏼.... 

Raise your hand if you've had someone tell you you're not cut out for something 🙋🏼..... 

Raise your hand if you've had people tell you you're not skinny enough... You're not pretty enough.... Your not experienced enough.... You're just not ENOUGH 🙋🏼....



well guess what.... YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!​

I think everyone in their life has experienced people who are pushing against them. For every 2 people that believe 1 says no.... ​

Well I'm here to remind you that YOU ARE THE DRIVER OF YOUR LIFE!!! You hold the pen .. So write YOUR STORY!!​

Do not let other people tell you what you are capable of... YOU KNOW what you're capable of!!​

So if anyone has you underrated... You don't do it to prove them wrong, you do it to prove yourself RIGHT!​

xoxo ​