Tanya Rad

Smile always. Believe in yourself. Believe in others.

My Fellow Blondes You Feel Me...

Tanya RadComment

So when your hair is as blonde as mine .... or frankly anyone that puts bleach in their hair...

You feel me when I say deep conditioner SAVES MY LIFE!!

I wanted to share with you 2 of the deep conditioners I use, and this is not an ad, I'm just a happy consumer! (Both are L'Oreal products)

1 'Nature's Therapy' 

I try to use this on a regular basis in the shower! Leave it on for 5-6 minutes probably 3 times a week! This is more of a lighter deep condition for the hair!

(HERE is a link if you want to buy it) 

2 "Professional Absolut Repair Masque"

This one is an intense moisturizer! I (try.. keyword being TRY here) to use this once a week. For this one I get out of the shower, towel dry my hair, slap it all over, and throw a shower cap on to lock in moisture. I keep it in for about an hour or so then hop back in the shower to rinse it out! I love this one but don't use it as often (just because I can get lazy....)

(HERE is the link if you want to buy this one)

WCW - Simona Rozhko

Tanya RadComment

Today my #WCW goes to the beautiful Simona Rozhko!

She is not only stunning, she has a beautiful heart, and is a MAJOR #girlboss!!!

I admire you for being able to handle it all with such grace.. I love your energy and everything about you! 

Tuesday Tops / 10-27-15

Tanya RadComment


Happy Tuesday!!

And what a great time for music lovers...

This week I only picked 2 Tuesday Tops because I didn't want to mess with perfection... and that is what these 2 songs are!


Talk about a song that hits you right in the heart! This song is so beautiful I just can't handle it... 


This might be my favorite yet from Justin lately... I'm totally obsessed with it... 

Love and Lost

Tanya Rad1 Comment

There is a famous saying... "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all..." 


today I question that theory.

is it really better to feel that amazing feeling ... To feel so deeply in love with someone you would do absolutely anything for them. To love someone so much you put their needs before your own. To know that you want to spend the rest of your life next to someone's side... 


to have that completely ripped

from your side .. Just like that. 

yes I think time does heal wounds but they are easily reopened. You see, because I don't think you can ever really fix a broken heart... Although I do believe you can find happiness again, that bitter awful feeling you feel after a bad breakup never truly ever goes away...

you just forget about the pain for a while. Until it resurfaces...



Taking a little me time

Tanya RadComment

I'm constantly going going going in my life.. 

I don't stop..  

And days like to today I need to remind myself to slow it down and take a little time for myself... 

As important as it is to keep checking stuff off your list... Make sure to take care of yourself ... 


today i I plan on lighting candles, reading my devotional, watching Hocus Pocus, and not much else 😝🤗 

Taking a little me time

Tanya RadComment

I'm constantly going going going in my life.. 

I don't stop..  

And days like to today I need to remind myself to slow it down and take a little time for myself... 

As important as it is to keep checking stuff off your list... Make sure to take care of yourself ... 


today i I plan on lighting candles, reading my devotional, watching Hocus Pocus, and not much else 😝🤗 

"used to it" doesn't = good

Tanya RadComment

I often find myself saying things like this... 


I'm used to being single... I'm used to my workout routine ... I'm used to cleaning my makeup brushes and staying in on a Friday.... 


but I'm beginning to SLOWLY realize it.. Just because I'm used to it, doesn't mean it's good for me. 


i think it's time for me to be bold. It's time for me to step out of my comfort zone and start doing things they make me a little u comfortable... 

and I mean that for every aspect of my life... Personally and professionally .. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and starting to do some things I'm not used to 😊😁 


Tuesday Tops - 10/20/15

Tanya RadComment

It's Tuesday... one of my favorite days of the week because I get to share my favorite songs with YOU guys..

These are the songs that I have on serious loop!! So Take a little listen below:


These lyrics are everything everything everything... 


I love this song.. it's a good workout song for sure!


You guys... these lyrics.. I actually can't talk about it ! They are so beautiful and such a truth.. I can't even deal with it! 


This song is just so fun!! Like so fun .. and it makes me want to dance!!! 

I want to be like her..

Tanya RadComment

Today was a big day for me.... 

I said goodbye to a coworker of mine, the legendary Ellen K, as she goes on to host her very own morning show on KOST 103.5 ... 


i am am so extremely proud of her and so excited for her next chapter... But for me, it was like losing the big sister in my work world. 


Ellen definitely was my safety net at work. She was always looking after me, she was always there to comfort me, she was always there to hold me hand.. No matter what was going on in my life...  


And now now it's like I don't have my safety net anymore. Obviously I'm not losing Ellen in my life. I'm obviously going to stay in close contact. But it's almost like a kick in the pants. ... Time for me to put my big girl pants on and handle it! 


and that is what I'm going to do... Everything I do is to make her proud.. 


i I love you Ellen. So very much  


What I've learned ...

Tanya Rad3 Comments

I'm not here to preach. I'm not here to say I have it all together... Because believe me ... I DEF DON'T!  


But I have learned one thing in my life and that is the power of positivity. It is EASY to be mean... It is easy EASY to become insecure... It is EASY to go along with the crowd...

what isn't easy is to be kind... Show grace... And to stand alone! 


ive learned the importance of being nice and staying positive. Not everyone is going to like you, and they is just life. But if you are the best person you can be... And focus on living your BEST LIFE... How can you have any regrets??

so that's my Oprah moment for the day... I love you all... Be kind to each other.  
